Connect. Support. Plan for Your Child's Future.
We believe we have three clients: You, the parent, looking to build their family via egg donation; the egg donors that are willing to help; and then your child (the tiny human who is created through this process) also called, the donor-conceived person. We have developed our known/identified donor program to serve all 3. It was created to provide a more open and long-term connection between all 3. However, our plan to go about this connection is unique to many other programs.
There has been a growing trend where intended parents and egg donors are interested in connecting sooner in the process. We help facilitate that with a licensed mental health professional.
We know donor conceived children may want more information on their donor. We help do that in a safe and secure way where parents can be part of that process.
We are here to support you and your child on this journey, so expectations can be discussed and it can lead to healthy relationships for all parties.
We believe OUR Known/Identified Egg Donor Program serves you best… here is why.
Choosing to build your family via a known/identified egg donor should require thorough planning, discussions, testing, and care. A quick meeting and exchange of contact information doesn’t help set up a child in the future for what they may need. Our program was created to provide a unique and comfortable long-term connection between intended parents, egg donors, and donor-conceived children.
Our team has consulted donor-conceived resources, parents of donor-conceived kids, mental health professionals, and fertility clinics to implement this program. It provides a path for personal connection while protecting the emotional & social well-being of all parties and limits financial risks for intended parents.
- We are taking the extra time & thoroughness to confirm a COMPATIBLE match in terms of expectations now and in the future.
- Prior to clinic involvement, we are providing a low-cost yet high rewards preliminary medical screening that could save you thousands in travel and medical fees with your clinic. Learn about genetic testing and what you need to know here.
- All parties will undergo an individual consultation with a mental health professional and a joint session with your chosen egg donor to confirm expectations for your relationship now and in the future.
- As in all cycles, clients are assigned ONE Care Coordinator, to provide a seamless process that allows all parties to feel an unwavering sense of customer service, respect, and advocacy for their specific needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
After selecting an egg donor, completing all required paperwork, and finalizing the deposit, ED&SS will complete the Identified Donor Preliminary Medical Screening. If both of those tests are approved, the first and last legal names of the egg donor and intended parent(s) will be released and both parties will proceed with the Identified/Known Donor Psychological Screening where the Intended Parent(s) will also meet the selected egg donor via Zoom or a similar platform.
After the testing above is completed, the egg donor will start and complete all other testing required by the Intended Parent’s clinic and physician. During this time, the Intended Parent(s) will NOT have direct contact, but the assigned care coordinator will exchange letters if desired.
Identifying contact information will be released upon confirmation of live birth via ED&SS although all parties can sign up for DCPData, the Donor Sibling Registry, or a similar program after confirmed pregnancy if desired to start communication at an earlier point. The identifying contact information released will be the egg donor’s DOB and both parties preferred email addresses. Additional information will be at the discretion of the donor at the time of release.
To learn more about the different types of egg donation cycles we facilitate, watch this short video.
After Identified Donor Preliminary Medical Screening, the Egg Donor & Intended Parents will meet via an online platform and Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions will release the intended parent’s and the egg donor’s full legal names. Upon a live birth, agreed-upon contact information will be released to each party, the donor’s DOB will be released, and all parties will be encouraged to sign up for DCPData, the Donor Sibling Registry, or a similar program.
An Unidentified Cycle will not release contact information, but DCPData, the Donor Sibling Registry, or a similar program is still required to be included as an acceptable form of communication in your contract.
To learn more about the different types of egg donation cycles we facilitate, watch this short video.
Intended Parent’s full legal name as well as the Egg Donor’s full legal name will be released AFTER preliminary medical screening is completed and BEFORE the Psychological Screening.
Intended Parents and the Egg Donor’s email address will be released at confirmation of delivery.
The Egg Donor’s date of birth will be released at confirmation of delivery.
Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions will happily exchange messages back and forth with each party, but if the Intended Parents would like to communicate with the Egg Donor directly prior to Live Birth, both parties must sign up for DCPData, the Donor Sibling Registry, or a similar program. These types of programs allow for a safe method of communication via a username or first name.
Industry Professionals and Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions believe it is in all parties’ best interest to maintain limited contact until live birth is achieved.
Secondly, if the Intended Parent’s chosen egg donor has donated for other families and/or might in the future, DCPData, the Donor Sibling Registry, or a similar program will give access to other intended parents and potentially other genetic half-siblings. Learn more about the benefits here.
Yes, since our program is built for you to connect with your donor and not just sign contracts and hope all is well, there are medical and genetic testing fees as well as fees for a psychological consultation.
There is not an additional Agency Fee if the Known/Identified Egg Donor Program is selected, simply the cost of the required testing listed below.
Known/Identified Egg Donor Program Specific Fees: $2,300
- Known/Identified Donor Medical Fee - $650
- Includes Egg Donor Preliminary Medical Screening
- Includes Egg Donor Preliminary Medical Screening
- Known/Identified Donor Joint Psychological Fee & Report - $1,650
- Donor Psychological Evaluation, IP's Consultation, and Joint Session
Known/Identified Egg Donor Process for Intended Parents