As an egg donor, have you ever wondered about the lasting impact you can have by helping to create a family? Like so many intended parents, Amy Huston and her husband, Evan, are grateful for the egg donor who helped them expand their family and provide a sibling for their son.
Amy has a heart condition that prevents her from safely carrying a pregnancy, so she and Evan used gestational carriers (or surrogates) for both of their children – Eli, age four, and Hallie, age one. Eli was conceived after three rounds of invitro fertilization using Amy’s eggs while Hallie was conceived with the help of a donor.
Deciding to use an egg donor
Because of Amy’s health condition, extra precautions had to be taken during her egg retrievals, like having them done in an operating room instead of a fertility clinic. And as Amy explains, she “never got great results” with any of her retrievals.
When Eli was six months old, Amy and Evan decided to try for a second child. They transferred their last remaining frozen embryo with a surrogate, but it didn’t take. “After that, we decided to use an egg donor for our next attempt to have another baby,” Amy says.
Will I love them the same?
For intended parents who already have a biological child or children, it can add another layer of complexity to the process of having a child via egg donation. Questions like “Will I compare him or her to my biological child?” or “Will I love a non-biological child the same?” may come to mind.
“It’s hard when you first learn that an egg donor is your best option, but over time, you come to realize what an incredible option it is,” Amy says. “Any reservations you have about loving a child – you don’t have to worry because you will. Once that child is here, you get to just be a family. You’re that child’s parent, and it’s wonderful.”
Amy adds that she loves Eli and Hallie “equally but differently” because of who they are as individuals. “They are each their own unique person that we are getting to know,” she says.
The role of nurture
Some of her children’s traits can be attributed to genetics, like Eli’s resemblance to Amy and Evan and Hallie’s personality, which Amy describes by saying, “She’s a firecracker!” Noting that it’s not a trait Hallie gets from her or Evan, Amy says that she would love to ask her donor if she was as fiery as Hallie as a child.
There are other characteristics that are a reflection of how Amy nurtures her children and the values she and Evan are instilling in them. For example, as a speech pathologist, Amy has been focused on helping her children develop language skills from an early age – something Hallie has been able to pick up quickly. “She’s very language driven,” Amy says. “It amazes me what a good communicator she is at just a year old.”
Amy also describes how Hallie has embraced her parent’s love of the beach, which is evident during the family’s trips to the ocean. “She loves it,” Amy says. “It’s neat to see how some of the things we have purposefully put into Hallie’s life are things she enjoys and are shaping her into the person she will become.”
Grateful for her “miracle” children
Whenever Amy’s mom calls to ask about Eli and Hallie, she always says, “How are your miracle children?” And as Amy explains, “They really are little miracles.”
She adds, “It’s amazing that we were able to have both of our children. It was with the help of a lot of people, and I’m so grateful that there are people who are willing to help others have a family.”
Could you help intended parents like Amy and Evan have a child? We are thankful for all our donors at Egg Donors Solutions who are helping to create happy families! If you are a donor who is currently waiting to be matched, check out our tips for getting selected as an egg donor. Or, If you have considered becoming an egg donor and would like more information, you can review our egg donor criteria and frequently asked questions. You may also contact us directly at, and we would be happy to answer any questions.

We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy with the help of caring Egg Donors & Surrogates.
What is Egg Donation, Can I be an Egg Donor, Egg Donation Process, Common Egg Donation Questions, Becoming an Egg Donor, Qualifying as an Egg Donor, Egg Donation, Egg Donor process, Why to go through an agency?, Egg Donation Overview.