December 14, 2022
Genetic Carrier Screening for Egg Donors: What Intended Parents Need to Know
Genetic carrier screening – or genetic testing – is performed by a blood or saliva test to determine if a person is a “carrier” for specific gene mutations that could result in a serious health condition being passed on to a child. Fertility clinics can vary in their recommendations and policies regarding carrier screening for […]
November 24, 2022
Staying Fit While Pregnant
Pregnancy does not mean you have to be stagnant and inactive for the entire 9 months. Being pregnant gives more reason for you to be active and moving, fit and healthy in preparation for that big day when labor pains start shooting in. The big challenge here is finding the right routine, food, exercise, and […]
November 10, 2022
Christine & James’ Story: Finding Joy After Infertility
Christine and James didn’t have an easy road to becoming parents. Shortly after they were married, a blood test revealed that Christine had a very low AMH (anti-müllerian hormone) – an indicator of diminished ovarian reserve – and they were referred to a fertility specialist. “The doctor guided us to do intrauterine insemination (IUI) to […]