January 3, 2022
What Are The Risks And Side Effects To Egg Donation?
The process of Egg Donation comes with some risks. We know that the following risks and/or side effects do exist: Medication Side-Effects: Most donors have bloating and cramping- it’s almost a given. Other possible side effects are sharp pains, nausea, constipation, headaches, mood swings, and feeling tired, to name a few. Some donors may have […]
March 12, 2020
Donating after OHSS, An Egg Donor’s Story
A story from an experienced donor with Extreme OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome). I have donated eggs three times, and the first two times were very smooth and uneventful. (In fact, despite the clinic’s protocol, I actually went to work after one retrieval. This is NOT recommended. Do NOT do this!) After my third retrieval, I […]