September 19, 2019
Effective Tips for Traveling Egg Donors
Egg Donors can choose to donate locally in the city they live in or travel to an intended parent’s clinic to allow them to be matched with intended parents more quicker. After you have become an egg donor it is important to think of travel if you are open to the latter. Egg donors that […]
September 12, 2019
No Permanent Harm Comes to Those Who are Egg Donors
Many women wonder if donating eggs to women who are infertile can affect their fertility later in life. There has been research that has been done over the years to help answer that question for those concerned. Egg donations have been offered to infertile couples since the 1980s. As this form of assisted fertility […]
August 29, 2019
Support During Egg Donation
When conception is a problem and your fertility specialist has exhausted all the options that might allow you to use your own eggs, then you may need to think about using The Donor Sibling Registry. This is a major decision and should be approached without emotion and with all of the information that you need. […]
August 22, 2019
The Perfect Egg Donor Profile
Have you been accepted to our Egg Donor Program for some time now, but still have not been selected for a cycle? Have you wondered countless times what else is missing from your profile? Have you considered adding a short video? This just might be the missing link. During the application, we gave you the […]
August 15, 2019
Tips When Creating Your Egg Donor Profile
Your Egg Donor Profile is the very first glimpse Intended Parents will have of you. This is the reason why it is important to create a profile that is both honest and engaging. Aside from making a good impression, how well you present yourself on your profile will be the first connection you will share […]
August 12, 2019
Egg Donation- Worth The Wait?
Becoming an egg donor is not as easy as it sounds. Many are surprised that it demands so much time, commitment, and flexibility. It can be time-consuming and overwhelming- filling out and updating your egg donor profile, and providing extensive personal and family information. There is paperwork to sign, and medical and psychological tests to […]
January 19, 2016
The Story of a 5 Time Egg Donor
Lauren is an egg donor in the Houston, TX area and is currently set for her 5th egg donation at the beginning of this year. A few years before Lauren decided to be an egg donor she had discovered that her close friend had polycystic ovarian syndrome and could not have children. At that point, […]
December 31, 2015
Jamie’s Story as an Egg Donor
Jamie is a five-time egg donor from Houston, Texas. She will begin her 6th, and final, cycle at the beginning of 2016. Jamie learned about egg donation online and immediately was intrigued by the process. After ample research about egg donation in general, she began her search for the right agency, ultimately deciding on Egg […]
September 24, 2015
A Note From An Egg Donor
A huge thank you goes out to my Care Coordinator, Kallie. I was able to rely on Kallie for any questions I had at the time. Since it was my very first cycle it put me at ease knowing what to except for what was to come ahead. Getting started was a long process just […]